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Hard to take with a smile.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 1:00 am
by Gwikley
I know this is an intellectual, pseudo scientific endeavor here........never the less, even knowing it was coming...this is hard to take with a smile. My original investment in this over the course of 6 years has been halved and halved again. Ah...I'll delete this posting.

Re: Hard to take with a smile.

Posted: Fri May 22, 2020 6:31 pm
by Ryan
While I understand, I’ll caution you that you’re focusing on the wrong Press Release(s). The two I focus on are the MF Phase III one and the EHA abstracts one.

Yes the total shares are essentially doubling, however the value of the company has increased many, many fold with 2 Phase IIIs and the ability to pay for MDS* for sure.
*It goes without saying that, given the MDS abstract revealed (full data will be even more revelatory) that this Phase III will deliver approval, especially w Dr. Rizo at the helm.

I do hope that they still partner x-US rights, as that then opens up AML which they have shelved for now.