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Censorship of relevant posts on the SA Board

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:23 pm
by sargasso
My prior two responses to Colombo on the SA board have mysteriously disappeared from that board even though those posts discuss issues highly relevant to the stock. I will not bother to repost my first reply to Colombo on that board. My second reply, however, contains observations that are highly relevant to the issue of management enrichment and dilution and how some posters may attempt to prevent discussion of those issues by way of Ad hominem attacks. It has become painfully obvious that the SA board believes in censorship. I'm sincerely hoping this board does not and will find the issues discussed in the below post to be relevant.


I have two other observations Colombo. You may wish to cut the armchair psychological analysis of others concerning which you lack a proper foundation. You have accused me of jealousy and have asserted *that* is my true motive for my critical attitude toward the granting of the options and the subsequent dilution of the stock. Not only have you once again missed the point but I am in fact one of the least jealous persons you may ever encounter in your life.

Moreover under your line of reasoning it’s difficult to imagine anyone ever criticizing the actions of management in this regard without being accused of being jealous. If one wishes to give a complete pass to all such actions of management concerning their personal enrichment and the granting of options that is a great way to do it--accuse them of being jealous and have done with it. Don’t like the news? Call it fake news. Don’t like criticism? Question to motive of the speaker.

In addition your longer posts are so verbose I often skip or skim them. The point Colombo is this board is not about your personal idiosyncrasies (however amusing you may find them) concerning which I have no interest and are not relevant.

- Sargasso
06 Sep 2018

Re: Censorship of relevant posts on the SA Board

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:05 am
by biopearl123
Sargasso, your posts have never been censored on Imetelchat, I know others including Ed have had the same problem there. There is no robo screening here and I review every post. To my knowledge I have issued warnings (which were heeded) but have not actually had to censor any post. All ideas are welcome as long as they are germane and civil. Yours are. Please continue to share your thoughts. Critism of management for example is certainly a legitimate topic. From my point of view (my opinion only) I think we owe them some kudos when the time comes. bp

Re: Censorship of relevant posts on the SA Board

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:07 pm
by sargasso

You are correct. My posts have never been censored by you on this board a fact I greatly appreciate.

The whole issue of management compensation and enrichment is a topic that not only applies to GERN but to all of corporate America. There have been a ton of articles on this subject including, I believe, in the Harvard Business Review.

As for the kudos to management um…well, maybe. Grin.