Where's Waldo?

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Where's Waldo?

Post by biopearl123 » Sat Dec 19, 2020 9:43 pm

There have been youtube presentations re MF post ASH that have been pretty accessible from Dr. Mascarenhas and Dr. Kiladjian. Yet none from Dr. Steensma or Dr. Platzbecker re the lower risk MDS study. Both are often "interviewed" post major heme/onc meetings. Its hard to draw any conclusions from this but since the data appears strong (unless they suddenly lost faith in the drug), and there was a strong endorsement of the data from Part I of the EMERGE trial by Dr. Rizo, the absence of some statements from thought leaders such as Drs. Steensma and Platzbecker seems curious. I think it could be emblematic of an attempt to moat the academics from the industrialists. Dr. Steensma recently joined Novartis and for this reason it may be entirely appropriate for him to refrain from commenting the the MDS study, it might also be due to the recent publication of the data anyway in the Journal of Clinical Oncology or perhaps the fact that a potential opportunity to update the ASH data to include the handful of patients that remain on drug was intentionally obviated. I could understand the first two but not the last. I just don't know. bp

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Re: Where's Waldo?

Post by bucbeard » Sun Dec 20, 2020 1:40 pm


To be clear, because of my own ignorance, can you elaborate just a tiny bit on who you are hypothesizing the possible moat builder and data obviator to be (Geron or competitive industry forces) and the purpose it might serve/potential impact on Imetalstat's development progress.

I think you are implying Geron but always better to ask for clarification in life, if there is any question.

As always, thank you BP for sharing the content of your beautiful mind.

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Re: Where's Waldo?

Post by biopearl123 » Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:38 pm

Bucbeard, Thank you for your kind words. I am afraid if you could look into my mind you would see something more akin to a lava lamp with many simultaneous ideas that float, fight and then fade. Many a therapist has tried to turn it into the organized file cabinet it should be and failed. My comments were more about following scientists (sort of like follow the money). We had the brilliant Dr. Rizo and her team come to Geron and now we see Dr. Steensma, a premier clinical researcher in the MDS field going to Novartis. It was purely a descriptive observation. Usually industry leaves it to the academics to present at meetings and rightfully so, that way there is no appearance of impropriety. That was behind my speculation as to why we did not see a post meeting postmortem (so to speak) from Dr. Steensma. Best Regards, bp

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Re: Where's Waldo?

Post by cheng_ho » Mon Dec 21, 2020 7:11 pm

> if you could look into my mind you would see something more akin to a lava lamp

Yes, that's the inevitable result of listening to four or more Calls Of Chipthulhu.

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