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What to expect at ASH

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2020 6:20 pm
by biopearl123
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Well another virtual ASH coming up. So far no indication of KOL formal meeting post ASH and it is likely there will not be one. Nonetheless, it is a premier opportunity for some dramatic PR from Dr. Scarlett and Co and it is likely that strong statements regarding drug success and potential will be heard from Geron as well as KOLs in press releases. We will likely see strong statements from Dr. Mascarenhas re his oral presentations as well as emphasis of the effect on TN, OS, molecular targets etc. I do hope the MDS TI data will be updated by Dr. Platzbecker, and the poster from Dr. Ma pointing out the effects on the "root" not just the weed will be noted (this is important bench work). Great progress is being made. I suspect enrollment will pick up as the results of these presentations percolate and marinate within the international heme community as well as the benefit of having information dissemination by the media, possibly directly to potential enrollees who may approach their own physicians for information. With the advent of vaccine availability, we should see the trials fill and progress. Best wishes to all. bp